Groceries are one of the highest expenses for a family. There are many examples of proud people who use coupons, comparative shopping, and stock piling to drive their grocery bills as low as possible. But for most of us? That isn't realistic. Double income families raising a gaggle of children? I just want to spend a moment sitting on the couch each evening before falling asleep - but that rarely happens.
It is unfortunate. We kill ourselves making money and then watch parts of it slip out the door in unnecessarily high grocery bills.
So, here is your business opportunity. If you are an extreme couponer, stay at home parent, or just like hunting endlessly for the best deals? Come do my grocery shopping! I'll split the savings with you. If you can figure out how to feed my family the things they like while also saving money? Go for it! I will help you carry the groceries into my house from your car.