You might only have a short pigtail between your dryer and the outside wall. If that is the case? Throw away the pigtail and replace it with a new one. Most high capacity dryers want metail pigtails, not plastic or rubber.
My dryer vent is over 20 feet long of solid duct and passes through my basement. Cleaning this requires a shop vac, a drill, and a vent cleaning kit that includes a brush and extenders. The extenders connect to the drill, and the drill spins the brush.
When I installed the duct, I left myself access for cleaning, so, the first thing so needed to do was tear off that tape to get access.
You can see: it has only been a year and I have collected a lot of lint!
The brush goes into the duct along with a cap that will help create a vaccuum.
The cap fits over the duct.
The shop vac hose goes into the cap.
Then we are off to the races! The drill causes the brush to turn.
I attach extensions as I fish the brush down the duct.
When done, I tape the duct access. There are different kinds of metal tape to use: cold use and hot use. I didn't realize it and last year I used cold metal tape. The hot dryer exhaust caused the tape to come apart and spew lint in the basement. I learned my lesson!
The dryer vent is cleaned for another year!