Sunday, April 24, 2016

Fighting the weeds

It seems like it was snowing last weekend. And this weekend I am fighting weeds. The weeds are taking over everything! Thank God for Round Up!
I spent enough of my childhood pulling weeds. I do t want to be doing it as an adult. So I am happy to pay for Roundup.

Never ending house costs

You stretch your budget and enslave yourself to a mortgage. Move in to your palace. And then kick back and enjoy the home that now owns you, right? Wrong! You have just entered an arrangement with a money pit that will suck your wallet dry!

Take my neighbors for example. They bought a nice ten year old home. In the first year, they put in new sidewalks, landscaping, trees, and an air conditioner. In the second year, they black topped the driveway. And now I year three? They are replacing the "builder grade" windows.

Each of these projects cost thousands of dollars per year!

You might believe a 10 year old house wouldn't need much work done to it. But you would be surprised!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Replaced another flapper

It is always handy to keep an extra toilet flapper around to deal with leaky toilets, especially if your house has 3.5 baths. They are easy to replace:

Sometimes the flapper will just get some dirt or debre on it that will prevent it from sealing. You can try cleaning the flapper if you want, or, it is easier (and not all that expensive) to just replace it.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Clean the tank

Everyone cleans the toilet bowl, but how many of us think to clean the tank?
Even though fresh water flows into the tank, it can be a breading ground for mold, germs, and crud. You can fix that problem by placing cleaning disks in the tank.
There are many different kinds and brands on the market. They all last several weeks, keeping the tank clean, and wash those cleaning chemicles into the bowl.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Filtrate air freshener

It is time to change the furnace filter.

I am trying something new: Filtrete Whole House Air Freshner by 3M. It hooks into the filter and then blows the scent throught the house.

I will let you know if it is any good in a few days.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Patching the driveway

It is bound to happen. Your beautiful driveway will get a pothole, collect water, and need to be patched.

If you have an asphalt driveway? Patching can be a lot of work and very expensive.

If you have a stone driveway, patching is simple! I just stop off at the hardware store and grab a bag of gravel, then dump it on the hole. Cheap and fast and done!

Another Storm Door Fix

We get a lot of wind at the house. And when a certain adult daughter opens the storm door without holding it? The wind grabs the door and tends to break things. This is the second repair this year!

Earlier this year, I had to replace the bottom closer. This time? It is the top closer. And I am replacing it with a heavy duty one.
The first step was to remove the old broken quick connect bracket.
Then attach the new one. The old one was plastic and this one is metal.
Next, I adjust the door attachment.
And then finally the new closet.

I am all set now until the next wind storm!