I hate it when people start a blog post by saying sorry I haven't posted much lately. But I do have a really good excuse. My phones blog editor no longer works. That makes posting to the blog very difficult.
Topic for today is cleaning the dryer. I go buy two rules: clean or replace the dyer vent every spring (lint for lent) and vacuum the lint out of the inside of the dryer every fall. This fall was very busy so I didn't get to cleaning the dryer. I had a free thirty minutes today so I got to it.
Keep dryer lint cleaned is an important precaution that will avoid having your house burn down. So, unless you enjoy house fires? You need to get on a regular schedule for dryer maintenance.
To clean the dryer, step one is to unplug the electricity (or turn off the breaker).
Next, remove the cover. My cover is in the front
Vacuum every area you can get to. You will be amazed how much lint can build up in only a year!
When done, reassemble the dryer and plug it back into the electricity.